Who am I?

Hi, I am Véronique. Life has taken me down many different avenues: it has clearly not been anything like a straight-line. The pathway of my life consists rather of numerous segments in multiple directions. Nevertheless, one thing has remained constant in my life, and that is that I have always nourished a steady passion for the wonders of nature and science, as well as for the inside world of the human mind.

 As I embarked on my life adventure, one decision led to another. I eventually found myself exploring different parts of the world and have now celebrated 30 years of expatriation. In the course of this journey, I became the mother of 2 beautiful daughters, who from the get-go seem to have caught on a similar virus for exploration. They are now on their own paths in different parts of the world.

 I can’t help but marvel at all aspects of the world, and having lived in the time of snail mail, I am extremely grateful for modern technology. It allows me to remain close to my children and my family, and to share our daily joys and challenges despite the geographical distance. Nonetheless, computer screens and phones are still no comparison to the living and breathing moments we can spend together. And I particularly miss being near my children when I know they need my presence.

 If I had to define my character in one word, I would choose “curious”. I am an avid learner. Besides the countless years I spent in formal education studying in different fields, I think “daily learning” is by far, my favorite food. I have an insatiable need to gather knowledge and understand how different parts make a whole; I love to find out how they work, what they are made of, and, and, and….

 While sharing my endless investigations about all and everything with my friends and family, I started contemplating the possibility of sharing my observations and knowledge to a broader audience. As with many things in life, each process must follow its own course. I acquired a certification in Life Coaching, and with my professionalism and my personal experience, I have a lot to offer to other mothers who navigate the difficult time of their children leaving home to go on in the adventure of their own lives.

I am in the process of developing an online program to address all the aspects of becoming an empty nester, and in the meantime, I am offer one-on-one coaching to provide support in this transition of life.



Why Melouna?

While traveling the many meanderings of my life, I have often dreamed of having my own business. 

Over time, I got involved in various projects. And as my daughters were growing up, they started making their own suggestions, until one day, one of them sat down with me and helped me elaborate a conceptual map of my dreams, as she had learned to make at school. In the process, she guided me on creating an original name and a logo, which then became more than just a random name and an image.

The name, Melouna, is the result of the combination of my daughters’ and my name.  And with my daugther’s creative and artistic juices, we carefully designed a logo with 3 infinity axis’s of  freedom, time, and happiness.

Needless to say, I am extremely grateful to my daughter for her help. I utterly enjoyed working with her on this project, and I couldn’t be happier with the end result.

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